Exercise Tips From Pro Athletes
Professional athletes have bodies like gods and goddesses. And at times, we tend to wonder how they manage to stay fit all the time. Is it in the genes? Or is it about the food they eat? Or does it have something to do with their fitness regimen?
If you happen to come across this entry, then you’re in luck! As we are going to share some of the best exercise tips as pro athletes do and have a fit body like your favorite sports idols.
Let’s begin.
1. Concentrate On Bar Speed And Not On Weight
The sad truth about aging is that it slows you down. So most pro athletes who are over 30 years old don’t try to make efforts in lifting as much weight as they can but rather focus on the bar speed to increase the force development rate.
As we get older, our ability to perform explosive movements can strain the joints in our body. This is very particular especially if you’re an individual with mobility issues. So try to compensate for your exercise by working on the bar speed even more rather than lifting more weights.
Dirk Nowitzki, the All-Star player from Dallas Mavericks, does this exercise and he retired being the 6th player in the NBA to score 30,000 career points.
2. Maximize Your Usage Of Free Weights

Isokinetic squat machines are great for targeted explosive training exercise. But when you’re looking for a full body workout, then nothing beats traditional free weights.
And the reason for this is that fitness machines only target specific muscle groups, but with free weights, it can train the kinetic chain, which also includes the crucial muscle groups that assist and stabilize the body.
There’s practically no substitute for this type of exercise as the LA Lakers and some NFL teams like the New York Giants and Tampa Bay Buccaneers continue to include this in their present training regimen.
3. Put More Emphasis On The Legs Rather Than The Arms

And last and probably the most important of the best exercise tips that we can share here is to work on your legs even more as you exercise. Let’s face it the tendons and ligaments tend to get cranky as we get old. Not only that, you’re testosterone levels begin to drop as well as your heart rate and oxygen consumption. That’s the reason why you become slower, have less endurance, and explosiveness.
So pro athletes over 30 do less power work and focus more on static stretching. Other than that, they also usually wear weight vests and light weights on ankles while doing sprint-skates to strengthen the legs evermore.
Moreover, they also concentrate on lower body routines while doing exercise training in the weight room.
Overall, this is something that an average Joe like you can also do to have a fit and healthy-looking body like a pro athlete.